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Startover my blog again :D

It has been over 10 years since my last time update my blog. Unfortuntely, my previous blog database crushed and not be able to bring it back again. However, it is also good to startover for everything so I can start new plan, new design, and new style for my blog, and wish people can learn something from here as well, may God bless me and people who support me, Amen.


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天父,我爱你 -- Father, I love you

天父,我爱祢 Father, I love you 感谢祢垂听我每一个祷告 Thank you, listen my pray every time 主啊,谢谢祢让我在众人前蒙恩 My Lord, thank you for let me live in your grace 祢施恩的手从未离开我 Your merciful hands never away from me 我因你的救恩而欢喜 In your salvation I'm full of joy 因你的慈爱而感动 and your mercy and grace attracted me  祢使我早晨起来欢唱 Every morning when I wake up, I singing and praise your name 又在夜里使我安康 And I enjoy the peace from you in every night 天父,我赞美祢 Father, bless your name 因你慈爱信实,又满有恩典 The Lord is faithful God, and full of grace 我的阿爸父,我爱你 ^_^ My Father, I love you ^_^